Holy Week Recap

My Dear St. George-ans:

We are Easter People, and Alleluia is our Song!

What an amazing Holy Week we've just experienced! My heart is so full of gratitude for all of you and for all of it -- even the unexpected glitches and wacky circumstances beyond our control.

I want to thank EVERYONE who in any way participated in this major celebration of our faith. And we had baptisms, to boot! (You know I do love a good baptism!)

Special thanks to the Altar & Flower Guilds, Worship Team Members,

Director of Music Ministry Emett Loera and the St. George's Choir and guest musicians, the Plaza String Quartet and pianist Kwangho Seo; to Joyce Swaving and the Facilities Team, to Jesus Serratos of Tacos de Birria, who helped cook the brunch; and to all who participated in any way. Also, thanks to my husband, the Very Rev. Keith Yamamoto, for filling in for me on Palm Sunday.

And many thanks to Jean Klein for the wonderful photos, capturing the joy!

And thanks to ALL OF YOU who participated in worship, and for all the prayers for my healing--i surely felt them.

I apologize for the internet outage issues on Easter Day, likely due to the storm. Many thanks to our Digital Team also, who videotaped the baptisms. It has come to my attention that the daughter of choir member Mary Kay Beck videotaped the entire service. Click here to watch.

I've also included some photos from Jean Klein and Flo Niermann of some of the week's services and from Digital Team Members Dave Veeneman. Many thanks to them also.

Enjoy! And remember Eastertide is with us until the Day of Pentecost, so keep looking for resurrection and miracles everywhere!

Easter Blessings & Love,

Rev. Pat